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20.6.24 | Honey Bee Watch, Symposia Series (Online) 

Unser Freund Steve Rogenstein, der mit uns damals Learning from the Bees Berlin 2019 Zeidlerei Workshop und Konferenz orga­ni­siert hat ist wei­ter­hin aktiv im inter­na­tio­na­len Vernetzen der Stimmen, die das Summen der Honigbienen in den Wäldern und Landschaften lie­ben und för­dern — und er hat die­se Veranstaltung mit organisiert! 

Foto: Ingo Arndt

Hier die Online Serie in English!

#2 — Tree Cavities: Homes and Biomes for Bees & Other Organisms
Thursday, 20 June (17–19h CEST // 16–18h BST // 11am–1pm EDT // 8–10am PDT)

Studying free-living honey bees often brings rese­ar­chers deep into forests to moni­tor colo­nies in their natu­ral habi­tat. Observations of tree cavi­ties have reve­a­led inte­res­t­ing fin­dings, inclu­ding new occu­pants and/or unex­pec­ted co-habi­tants, such as woodpe­ckers, owls, squir­rels, other insects, fun­gi, and more. 

What do we know about the­se dyna­mi­cal­ly rich nest spaces? What can we learn about inter­spe­ci­es inter­ac­tions within tree cavi­ties? How can an inter­sec­tion­al, mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry sci­en­ti­fic approach among rese­ar­chers from vary­ing spe­cial­ties widen our under­stan­ding of free-living bee bio­lo­gy and behavior?

Join the con­ver­sa­ti­on!
Free and open to all.
More info and regis­tra­ti­on at www.HoneyBeeWatch.com/Events


#1 — Bee-lining: Modern-day Makeover of an Age-Old Craft 
Thursday, 21 March

#2 — Tree Cavities: Homes and Biomes for Bees & Other Organisms
Thursday, 20 June 

#3 — Are Wild Honey Bees Wild Bees Too?
Thursday, 26 September

#4 — Spreading the Buzz: Communicating and Recruiting for Citizen Science
Thursday, 19 December

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